Translation for "turbofan-triebwerke" to english
Translation examples
Vielleicht wollte er aber nur das Dröhnen der vier schubstarken Pratt & Whitney-TF33-P7-Turbofan-Triebwerke übertönen.
Or maybe he was just yelling to be heard over the four loud 21,000-pound st Pratt & Whitney TF33-P7 turbofan engines.
Sobald das M53-2-Turbofan-Triebwerk die Maschine in einen fast senkrechten Steigflug stieß, begann Recon Officer Margolin Fotos zu schießen.
as its M53-2 turbofan engine kicked it into a nearly vertical climb, Recon Officer Margolin seated behind the pilot began snapping photographs.
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