Translation for "sei normal" to english
Translation examples
Sie ist dein einziges leibliches Kind, um Himmels willen. Sei normal.
Your only begotten child, for Christ's sake. Be normal.
Als die Krankenschwestern mir versicherten, der Herzschlag sei normal, beruhigte ich mich.
When the nurses assured me the heartbeat was normal, I relaxed.
Ich nahm an, das sei normal. Und eine gute Hexe muss nicht alles verstehen.
I suspected this was normal, and a good witch doesn't need to understand everything.
Der sagte, es sei normal, in einer solchen Situation Unsinn zu träumen.
His friend told him it was normal to dream nonsense when one found oneself in such situations.
Die Innenwand des Magens sah aufgeraut aus, aber Mae meinte, das sei normal.
The inner wall of the stomach appeared roughened, but Mae said that was normal.
Ich glaubte, lange Unterwäsche das ganze Jahr über zu tragen, sei normal.
I thought wearing long underwear most of the year round was normal.
Diandra wollte absolut nicht hin, aber die Leute in Crystal Cove sagten uns, das sei normal.
Diandra was dead against it, but the people at Crystal Cove told us that was normal.
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