Translation for "schicksalsvoll" to english
Translation examples
Er arbeitete in meiner Nähe und blickte nicht ein einzigesmal zum Decksturm auf, von dem aus der Trompeter bald die schicksalsvollen Töne blasen würde.
He never glanced toward the tower deck from which the trumpeter would presently sound the fateful notes, though it was with difficulty that I kept my eyes from it at all.
Offensichtlich hatte Sarkoja die ganze Geschichte mitgehört. Die lange nächtliche Abwesenheit meiner Mutter hatte sie mißtrauisch gemacht. Das erklärte ihre Anwesenheit in dieser schicksalsvollen Nacht.
That she had heard the entire story was apparent, and that she had suspected something wrong from my mother's long nightly absences from her quarters accounted for her presence there on that fateful night.
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