Translation for "landfamilien" to english
Translation examples
Das war bei armen Landfamilien in der Regel so.
For oddly enough, the daughters of poor country families did not often ride.
Das alles sprach von Wohlstand, allerdings dem einer aufrechten Landfamilie.
It spoke of wealth, yet wealth possessed by an honest country family.
Dann quillt das Haus über von guten, alten Landfamilien, berühmten Staatsmännern, Schriftstellern und Angehörigen des Hochadels.
Then it is filled to overflowing with good old country families, famous statesmen and writers, a sprinkling of nobility.
Landfamilien gingen in jenen Tagen früh zu Bett - >wenn es dunkel unter dem Tisch wird<, pflegte meine Mutter zu sagen - und schliefen tief und fest.
    Country families went to bed early in those days - "soon as 'twas dark under the table," my own mother sometimes said - and slept soundly.
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