Translation for "institution zu institution" to english
Institution zu institution
Translation examples
Das geht so weit, daß ein bloßer Witz über jemandes Schnurrbart das Todesurteil für den Erzähler bedeuten könnte. Und bald genug, weil Institutionen eben Institutionen sind, haben Informanten ein gewisses Soll zu erfüllen; auch sind Informanten selbst Menschen mit Neigungen und Abneigungen, ihre Berichte also zuweilen von Neid oder Eifersüchteleien mitbestimmt, denn übertragene Macht über Leben und Tod korrumpiert den Kleinen genau wie den Großen.
That was a polite term for informers, paid in the coin of the realm or in power, which was better still. They would report conversations for their seditious content, to the point that a mere joke about someone's mustache could entail the sentence of death for its raconteur; and soon enough, because institutions were institutions, informers had quotas to fill, and since the informers were themselves human beings with likes and dislikes, their reports as often as not reflected personal slights or jealousy, because the delegated power of life and death was as corrupting to the small as to the great.
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