Translation for "hochkarätiges" to english
  • high-carat
  • top-class
Translation examples
Statt der Lumpen, die er damals getragen hatte, kleidete ihn jetzt ein modisches Gewand aus kostspieligen Stoffen, und seinen langen Echsenhals sowie seine Klauen zierten Ketten und Ringe, die nach hochkarätigem Gold und echten Diamanten aussahen. So stellte man sich einen gemachten Lindwurm vor. Was war geschehen?
Instead of the rags he had been wearing then, he was attired in a fashionable robe of expensive material, and his long reptilian neck and claws were bedecked with chains and rings that looked as if they were of high-carat gold set with genuine diamonds. He epitomised one’s idea of a successful Lindworm. What had happened?
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