Translation for "hineingewatet" to english
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Sie ist nie auch nur in die Nähe des Meeres gegangen, ist nicht einmal hineingewatet.
She never went near the water, not even to wade in it.
Manche der Verfolger waren ins Wasser hineingewatet und reckten von da die Fäuste her.
Many of their pursuers had waded into the water shaking their fists, but the sea was rough, and they could not reach the pier.
Am liebsten hätte er sie um Gnade gebeten, woran er merkte, wie tief er selbst in den Fluss hineingewatet war, in den Barbara Havers sich kopfüber gestürzt hatte.
He wanted to plead, which told him how far he himself had waded into the river into which Barbara Havers had dived headlong.
Sess war mitten in den Kampf dreier Hunde hineingewatet, wo er mit seinen Mokassins etliche Rippen zurechtrückte und mit den geballten Fäusten auf die dicken felligen Köpfe einhämmerte.
Sess had just waded into the middle of a three-dog fight, rearranging ribs with his moccasins and hammering the big furred heads with his balled-up fist.
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