Translation for "harzig" to english
Translation examples
Es roch nach harzigem Rauch.
The air was thick with resinous smoke.
Der Wein war griechisch und ergo sehr harzig.
The wine was Greek, sharply resinous.
Harziger Qualm wogte in der Dunkelheit.
Resinous smoke rolled up into the darkness.
Größtenteils harzige Bäume und Büsche.
Resinated trees and shrubs, for the most part.
Es war eine harzige Substanz, zerklumpt, zerknubbelt.
It was a resinous substance, chunked up, nubbed up.
Ein scharfer, harziger Geruch von Feuer war in der Luft.
A sharp, resinous tang of burning was in the air.
Nab, schneide uns einige harzige Zweige ab.
Neb, go and cut some resinous branches.
Die harzige Substanz im Innern war ein effizienter Sprengstoff.
The resinous material on the inside was a very effective explosive.
Dornige harzige Bärentraube, Riesensequoia und einige andere.
Thorny resin manzanita, blackthorn, giant sequoia, some others.
Süßlicher Rauch durchzog stechend und harzig die Luft.
Fragrant smoke drifted in the air, pungent and resinous.
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