Translation for "geschaftsraumen" to english
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Er wusste es nicht. Ihm war einfach danach! Dann durch die Straße, in der sich die Mullbindenwebereien befanden, selbst nachts klapperten hier die Webstühle. Über den Monokelplatz hinweg, an dem ausschließlich Augenärzte und Optiker ihre Praxen und Geschäftsräume hatten. Vertrautes Terrain, sein altes Viertel.
He didn’t know, he simply felt like it. His new route took him along the street in which the bandage-weavers worked - their looms were still clattering away, even at this hour - and across Monocle Square, where the oculists and opticians had their practices and business premises. This was familiar territory, his old home district.
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