Translation for "gartentor" to english
Translation examples
Sie kamen an das Gartentor.
They came to the garden gate.
Das Gartentor quietschte.
The garden gate squeaked.
Das Gartentor schlug zu.
The garden gate slapped shut.
Er war an der Mauer, am Gartentor.
He was at the wall, the garden gate.
Das Gartentor ist natürlich verschlossen.
The garden gate is of course locked.
Stella steht am Gartentor.
Stella stands by the garden gate.
Mit einem Tritt öffnete er das Gartentor.
Kicked the garden gate open.
Er stieß gegen das Gartentor. Öffnete es.
He bumped into the garden gate. Opened it.
Orifab stieß das Gartentor auf.
Orifab pushed the garden gate open.
Mister Pfister klingelt am Gartentor.
Mister Pfister rings at the garden gate.
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