Translation for "filterprozess" to english
Translation examples
Und nur die Objekte, die diesen Filterprozess überstanden, waren eventuell interessant.
Anything that survived this filtering process was likely to be—interesting.
Es gab keine Erklärung dafür, dass die puderartige Substanz das Ablassen des Wassers und den Filterprozess intakt überstanden haben sollte.
There was no reason for anything that powdery to have remained intact through the tub’s draining and filtering process.
Obwohl man ihm stets versicherte, dass keine Post zurückgehalten wurde, verriet ihm die relativ geringe Anzahl beleidigender Briefe, dass es eine Art Filterprozess geben musste.
Even though he was always assured that no mail was withheld from him, the relatively small number of abusive letters he received suggested to him that some filtering process had been put in place.
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