Translation for "feldhaecksler" to english
Translation examples
Wie er so durch die Kanäle dödelte, schien ihm, dass es in der Glotze von Freaks nur so wimmelte: in Dr. Who gab es Mutanten - »Mutts« -, bizarre Wesen, die anscheinend mit verschiedenartigem Industriegerät gekreuzt waren: Feldhäcksler, Greifer, Hilfsmotoren, Dampfhämmer, Sägen, und deren grausame Priesterhäuptlinge Mutilasiaten hießen;
It seemed to him, as he idled across the channels, that the box was full of freaks: there were mutants – ‘Mutts’ – on Dr Who, bizarre creatures who appeared to have been crossbred with different types of industrial machinery: forage harvesters, grabbers, donkeys, jackhammers, saws, and whose cruel priest-chieftains were called Mutilasians;
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