Translation for "es kalt" to english
Translation examples
«Aber jetzt ist es kalt
“But now it’s cold.”
Und es ist kalt, bitter kalt.
‘And it’s cold, bitingly cold.
Nun, nun, es ist kalt, aber nicht so kalt.
"Here now, it's cold, but not that cold.
Zum einen ist es kalt.
For one thing it's cold.
Auch wenn es kalt ist.
Even when it's cold.'
»Kalt, kalt, kalt«, sagte Marlin.
Cold, cold, cold,” Marlin said.
Es war kalt, zu kalt.
It was cold, too cold;
Sie war kalt. Zu kalt, so kalt wie der Tod, so kalt wie der rote Laredo-Ton.
It was cold. It was too cold, it was cold as death, cold as the red Laredo clay.
Mir war kalt, so kalt.
I was cold, so cold.
Mit einer kalten, kalten Flamme ...
            Cold, cold flame .
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