Translation for "downzuloaden" to english
Translation examples
Sogar die Fotos zu den Artikeln waren dabei, und obwohl es einige Zeit dauerte, sie downzuloaden, waren sie es wert, darauf zu warten.
Even the photos were there, and though they took time to download, they were worth waiting for.
Trotz der mildtätigen Immigrations-Parteilinie, die Greenman ständig versuchte mir downzuloaden, wusste ich, dass Biologische, sowohl menschliche als auch außerirdische, fast immer von Eigennutz motiviert waren.
Despite the benevolent immigration party line Greenman kept trying to download me, I knew biologicals, both human and alien, were almost always motivated by self-interest. Couldn't help it. It was their nature.
Die Abfragen im Web waren alle in Europa vorgenommen worden, hauptsächlich in London, von brandneuen Internet-Zugriffskonten aus, die nicht länger bestanden als die Zeit, die erforderlich war, die Daten downzuloaden, oder von akademischen Konten aus, zu denen zahlreiche Personen Zugang hatten.
The inquiries being made on the Web were all happening in Europe, mainly in London, through brand-new Internet-access accounts which would last no longer than the time required to download the data, or which came from academic accounts to which numerous people had access.
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