Translation for "dompropst" to english
Translation examples
Er legte dem alten Dompropst nahe, gefälligst sein Haus zu räumen, und zwar schnell, was der aber nicht tat.
He suggested to the old provost he should vacate his house as quickly as possible, which the latter refused to do.
Der Bahre voraus gingen Ordensleute, Diakone und Ministranten, der Dompropst und der Weihbischof in vollem Ornat, mit Vortragekreuz, Weihwasserbecken, Weihrauchfässern und Lichtern, obwohl es heller Tag war.
The bier was preceded by monks, deacons and acolytes, the provost of the cathedral chapter, and the suffragan in their vestments, with the processional crucifix, holy water basin, thurible, and candles, even though it was broad daylight.
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