Translation for "dinge zu tun hat" to english
Dinge zu tun hat
Translation examples
Ich habe andere Dinge zu tun.
I have things to do.
Es gab Dinge zu tun.
There were things to do.
Er hatte andere Dinge zu tun.
He had other things to do.
Sie werden einige Dinge zu tun haben.
You’ve probably got a few things to do.
Wir hatten jedoch andere Dinge zu tun.
We had other things to do.
Ich habe wichtigere Dinge zu tun.
I've got more immediate things to do."
Viejo, ich habe andere Dinge zu tun.
Viejo, I have other things to do.
Sie hatte interessantere Dinge zu tun.
She had more interesting things to do.
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