Translation for "destruktionstrieb" to english
Translation examples
Er dachte oder träumte, er höre ihn wieder um Hilfe bitten, und wie in jener Nacht betastete er ihn im Halbschlaf, fühlte die Wölbung in der Zone der niederen Affekte, die Temperatur dieser Erhebung, in der Spurzheim das Organ der Sexualität lokalisierte, und an der Unterseite des Hinterkopfs, fast schon am Halsansatz, die Deformation der Mulden, die den Destruktionstrieb darstellen.
He thought or dreamed he heard the pharmacist’s voice, once again, asking him for help, and in his half sleep, as on that night, he palpated him, felt the round bulge in the zone of the inferior emotions, the abnormal temperature of the crown, where Spurzheim had located the organ of sexuality, and the deformation, in the lower occipital curve, just above the nape of his neck, of the cavities that represent the destructive instincts.
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