Translation for "comprehensiv" to english
Translation examples
Nur wenigen war klar, dass er diesen Abschluss an der Kim Il Sung-Comprehensive University in Pjöngjang gemacht hatte.
Few realized that he had earned his at the Kim Il Sung Comprehensive University in Pyongyang.
Aber jetzt waren sie nicht mehr auf der Quinton Primary, sondern auf der Brayton Comprehensive, wo plötzlich jeder eine eigene Persönlichkeit hatte, und so betrachtete Keisha Leah und versuchte zu ergründen, wie ihre Persönlichkeit aussah. 12.
But now they were leaving Quinton Primary for Brayton Comprehensive, where everybody seemed to have a personality, and so Keisha looked at Leah and tried to ascertain the outline of her personality. 12.
Und Harriet selbst wäre auch in Ohnmacht gefallen, hätte sie nicht gewußt, daß die Foxmoor Comprehensive School, falls es sie überhaupt gab, ganz sicher nicht in der Nähe von Paddington oder Chelsea lag.
Harriet would have felt like fainting too, if she hadn’t known that Foxmoor Comprehensive, if it existed at all, was nowhere near either Paddington or Chelsea.
u. a., »Suicide Attempts Before Joining the Military Increase Risk for Suicide Attempts and Severity of Suicidal Ideation Among Military Personnel and Veterans.« Comprehensive Psychiatry 55, Nr. 3 (2013): 534–41.
“Suicide Attempts Before Joining the Military Increase Risk for Suicide Attempts and Severity of Suicidal Ideation Among Military Personnel and Veterans.” Comprehensive Psychiatry 55, no. 3 (2013): 534–41.
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