Translation for "cholesterinsenkend" to english
Translation examples
dann trat er vor den vergoldeten Louis-Quatorze-Spiegel unten in der Garderobe und betrachtete sein Gesicht: Er fand, es sei schmaler geworden, ein Anflug von Wangenknochen war sichtbar, er wirkte entschlossen, geradezu edel im Licht der 30-Watt-Birne, vielleicht half der süßliche, cholesterinsenkende Joghurtdrink ja doch etwas, den er sich jeden Morgen zu trinken zwang.
For the first time in weeks he felt faintly cheerful, even whistled a show tune as he microwaved his supper, and when he saw himself in the gold-leaf sunking mirror in the cloakroom downstairs, thought his face had lost some fat and looked purposeful, with a shadow of cheekbone visible, and was, by the light of the thirty-watt bulb, somewhat noble, a possible effect of the sugary cholesterol-lowering yoghurt drink he was forcing himself to swallow each morning.
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