Translation for "blutbespritzt" to english
Translation examples
Alicia stand vor ihr; ihr T-Shirt war blutbespritzt.
Alicia was standing over her, her jersey spattered with blood.
Die blutbespritzten Marineinfanteristen standen über den hingestreckten Leichen im Bug.
The marines, spattered with blood, stood over the tangle of bodies in the bow.
Macro stand blutbespritzt unter ihnen und blickte wild um sich.
Macro stood amongst them, spattered with blood as he looked around wildly.
Blutbespritzt trat und hieb und drosch er sich durch die Gasse.
He was spattered with blood as he kicked and clawed and slashed his way down the alley.
Seine bloße Brust war blutbespritzt, und Blut tropfte von seinem schwarzen Speer.
His bare chest was spattered with blood and his black spear dripped gore.
Der Keller war blutbespritzt, lag voller Leiber, die eines schrecklichen Todes gestorben waren, jeder auf andere Weise.
The cellar was spattered with blood, with bodies that showed death in a dozen horrid ways.
Evelina sah auf ihr Mieder hinab, das tatsächlich blutbespritzt war. Nems Blut.
Evelina looked down at her bodice, saw it spattered with blood—Yen’s blood.
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