Translation for "bitter es ist" to english
Bitter es ist
Translation examples
Bitter, bitter“, sagte Emily leise.
Bitter, bitter,” Emily said gently, not as a criticism.
Doch der Whisky schmeckte bitter, so bitter wie seine Gefühle im Moment waren.
But the drink was bitter, as bitter as his feelings at that moment.
Aber es war ein bitteres.
But it was a bitter one.
Bitter, wie er sein soll.
Bitter, as it should be.
Sie war sehr bitter.
She was very bitter.
Es war bittere Enttäuschung.
There was bitter disappointment.
Bitter und beängstigend.
Bitter and terrifying.
,Bitter’ nannten sie es.
Bitter, they call it.
Bitter und belebend.
Bitter and invigorating.
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