Translation for "am ende august" to english
Am ende august
Translation examples
Es war Ende August ...
It was the end of August.
So gegen Ende August.
Just about the end of August.
Wir haben Ende August.
We’re coming up on the end of August.
Und Ende August war sie in Taliesin.*
By the end of August, she was at Taliesin.
Wir haben Ende August, zumindest beinahe.
This is the end of August, or very nearly.
Ende August rief sie mich an, an einem Mittwoch.
At the end of August she called me, on a Wednesday.
Ende August fuhr sie wieder auf die Insel zurück.
At the end of August, she returned to the island.
Erst Ende August kamen sie zurück.
It was not until the end of August that they came back.
Marcelo wohnte dort seit Ende August.
Marcelo’s been there since the end of August.”
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