Translation for "village a" to english
Translation examples
Dans une zone rurale, une unité de sondage est un village ou une partie d'un village, si le village a au moins 1 500 habitants.
The sample unit in a rural area is a village or a segment of it, if the village has a population of 1500 or more.
"Le village a beaucoup souffert pendant ces cinq dernières années d'Intifada.
The village has suffered a great deal during these past five years of the intifadah.
Le village a été entièrement détruit et il y a des preuves que des mortiers et des pièces d'artillerie lourde ont été utilisés.
The whole of the village has been destroyed and there is evidence that mortars and heavy artillery were used.
On l'a dit plus haut, la destruction de villages a été établie de manière irréfutable, ce que le Gouvernement soudanais a reconnu sans conteste.
As noted above, the destruction of villages has been irrefutably established and is clearly acknowledged by the Government of the Sudan.
Chaque municipalité, ville ou village a son école primaire ou une antenne scolaire.
Each municipality, town or village has a primary school or an outpost of a city school.
Chaque village a son propre centre de santé, avec un médecin et une sage-femme à temps partiel.
Every village has its health care centre, with a physician and midwife on a part-time basis.
Ce village a été reconstruit grâce à l'action efficace et généreuse de l'Association Monaco-Asie.
The village has been rebuilt thanks to the effective and generous action of the Monaco-Asia Association.
L'étude initiale de ces deux villages et de deux autres villages a été achevée.
The primary survey of these two villages and two other villages has been completed.
Le réseau de distribution d'eau de 4 kilomètres de long jusqu'au village a été achevé.
The 4 km long water-line network to the village has been completed.
En outre, si le nombre d'attaques contre des villages a diminué par rapport à l'année dernière, il n'en demeure pas moins élevé.
Moreover, while the number of militia attacks on villages has decreased since last year, they continue in significant numbers.
Chaque village a son idiot.
Every village has an idiot.
- Le village a assez payé.
The village has paid enough.
- Tout le village l'a signée.
The whole village has signed it.
-Aujourd'hui, notre village a disparu.
Today our village has disappeared.
Notre village a été profané.
Our village has been desecrated.
Ce village a changé.
This village has changed.
Chaque village a ses idiots.
Every village has its idiots.
Un village a des pépites d'or.
A village has gold nuggets...
Ici, chaque village a sa famille.
Each village has its family.
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