Translation for "tapait" to english
Translation examples
Sais-tu que Hemingway tapait sur sa machine debout?
Did you know Hemingway typed standing up?
Elle tapait tout.
She typed everything.
Quand on tapait trop vite, ça se coinçait.
Now, when a person typed too quickly the keys became jammed.
Il ne les tapait pas.
He didn't type.
Il tapait pas vite, étonnamment.
Surprisingly slow, typing-wise.
Et si on tapait "Dieu" ?
Uh, what happens if you type in "God"?
- Tu as dit qu'elle nageait et tapait.
- You said she swims and types.
C'est pour ça que mamie tapait pendant notre réunion.
That's why granny was typing during our meeting.
- Il tapait ses histoires ?
- Did Mr Clarke type his own stories?
Cary Grant tapait avec ses index.
And you type with your index fingers. Tony:
- Pourquoi il la tapait?
Why did he beat it?
Un type tapait sur Jason.
Some guy was beating on Jason pretty good.
Il tapait sur les garçons.
He just shook them. But the boys, he really beat up, yeah.
Le soleil tapait dur.
And the sun was beating down.
C'était elle qui le tapait.
She was the one beating on him.
Jokl tapait dessus comme un fou!
Jokl was beating away at it like a madman.
On se tapait dessus.
We used to beat the crap out of each other.
Mon frère me tapait dessus.
My brother used to beat me.
On dit qu'il lui tapait dessus.
Some say he beat it.
Ma mère me tapait aussi.
My mom also beat me
Elle me poussait, me tapait.
She hit me, slapped me.
Et son ventre... qui tapait... contre moi.
Slapping... against me.
De mon temps, quand on faisait une bêtise, le directeur nous tapait sur la main avec sa bite.
In my day, when I got into trouble, the headmaster would slap your hand with his dick.
Et après, on se tapait toujours dans les mains.
And finally, always stayed slapping his hands and saying:
Ma mère me tapait sur les doigts quand j'étais indiscret.
My mother would slap me on the wrist for being indiscreet.
Il me giflait et me tapait.
Slap me, punch me.
Kié me tapait parce que je jouais, mais c'était mieux que notre vie de maintenant.
Chie would slap me because I played, but Chie and I were better off than we are now.
- ça me tapait sur le front, mais c'était cool.
- It slapped me on the forehead, but that was cool.
À mon époque, l'adjoint du directeur était un cinglé chevelu qui te tapait pour avoir emmené une fille dans la voiture du prof de gym.
Well, in my day, the vice-principal was a hairy goon that slapped you around for taking a girl's cherry in the gym teacher's skylark.
-Jérôme m'a traité de pédé qui se tapait Jésus.
-JÈrÙme called me a fag Jesus who was slapping.
M. Kennedy est passé par les cuisines pour aller dormir dans sa chambre ou s'y retirer un moment. La foule autour de lui lui serrait la main, lui tapait dans le dos.
Senator Kennedy then going off into the kitchen area... to retire to his room for the evening... or at least for the next hour or so... the crowd spreading around him, shaking hands... clapping him on the back.
De temps en temps, on tapait dans Ies mains et on dansait Ia samba.
Every now and then, we would clap our hands and sing a samba.
Il venait me parler, il me tapait le poing.
And he keeps talking to me. He's saying "yo" and clapping my fist.
Et ça criait, ça tapait des mains, ça... ça riait.
There was all this yelling and clapping and laughing.
On t'a cherché partout, on tapait des mains sur la plage.
Where can he be? We looked for you everywhere. We started clapping.
Il te tapait sur le bras et courait vers ses amis.
He'd punch you on the arm and then run back to his friends.
Si je n'allais pas assez vite au lit, elle me tapait dans les couilles.
If I wasn't quick enough in bed, I'd get punched in the junk.
Il tapait sur l'ambulancier pendant qu'il conduisait et il m'a acheté un collier de vraies perles.
He punched that ambulance driver when he was driving and he got me a real pearl necklace.
Il tapait dur.
He can punch good too.
Il s'est retrouvé là, avec un homme indomptable, plus fort que lui, qui n'avait pas peur de lui, qui cherchait le K.0., et qui tapait plus fort que lui.
'He was in the ring with a man he could not dominate, 'who was stronger than him, who was not afraid of him, 'who'd try to knock him out, and who punched harder than Ali,
Tu es sûr qu'il ne tapait pas le lapin ?
Are you sure he wasn't punching the bunny?
Si on se battait vraiment sérieusement, si on se tapait dessus, qui gagnerait ?
If you and I ever got into a really serious fight, you know and the punches started flying, who would win?
En fait, quand je le frappais, il esquivait un coup sur deux et mon poing tapait le bitume.
In fact, when I was punching him, I'd hit him once, he'd dodge and I'd hit the asphalt.
Il tapait du pied quand il ne pouvait pas obtenir ce qu'il voulait.
He used to sulk and stamp his foot when he couldn't get his own way.
On est devenus barjos, on criait, on sautait, - on tapait du pied.
We sort of went bananas, crying, jumping up and down stamping all around.
C'était la première fois que mon père me tapait dans le dos, mais je savais pas si c'était pour m'épousseter, me réprimander, ou éviter de m'embrasser.
Thatwasthefirsttime my father ever patted me on the back, butI couldn'ttellwho was tobrushmeoff , to reprimand me ora substituteforahug.
Clara Barton était une excellente infirmière, qui se tapait les soldats mais aussi les bandages.
Clara Barton was a famous nurse Who was rapping with the soldiers and bandages, too
Il tapait et se soulevait au-dessus du sol et tremblait.
The whole bed was thumping and rising off the floor and shaking, the whole thing!
Le public tapait du pied, criait et on sentait le sol trembler.
The audience was stomping and screaming. You could feel the entire floor shaking.
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