Translation for "sériole" to english
Translation examples
Qu'est-ce que tu as, des sérioles ?
What do you got, amberjacks?
Des perches, des sérioles japonaises, on attrape de tout.
Gold-tailed and Japanese amberjack, all you can catch.
Des bars, des sérioles limon, des perches de mer, des tiles fins...
Calico bass. Yellowtail. Rockfish.
Parmi ceux-là, la sériole, le bar et le muge.
These include yellowtail, sea bass, and striped mullet among others.
Thon, saumon, sériole, et anguille.
Tuna, salmon, yellowtail, and eel cut roll.
C'est toi qui avais envie de sériole.
{\*You're the one who had }You had a craving for yellowtail.
Ici notre spécimen a évolué en passant d'une traite de vivaneau à sériole !
In this scene, the hamachi have evolved all at once into yellowtail.
C'est la sériole de Charlize Theron.
This is Charlize Theron's yellowtail.
Vous avez goûté à la sériole ?
Did you try the yellowtail, Paul?
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