Translation for "soit trop vague" to english
Soit trop vague
Translation examples
be too vague
L'expression << bonne et due forme >> est trop vague.
The expression "due and proper form" was too vague.
Il juge la deuxième variante trop vague.
The second variant was too vague.
Il conviendrait d'en modifier le libellé qui est trop vague.
However, its wording was too vague and should be amended.
Troisièmement, le paragraphe 11 est beaucoup trop vague.
Thirdly, paragraph 11 was much too vague.
Tel qu'il est rédigé, le paragraphe est trop vague.
As it stood, the paragraph was too vague.
Les dispositions proposées sont trop vagues pour être applicables.
The proposed requirements are too vague to be enforceable.
La référence à des engagements est trop vague.
The reference to commitments was too vague.
La formulation de la question est trop vague.
The question was worded too vaguely.
L'expression <<susceptible d'enflammer>> paraît trop vague.
The feeling is that the words "capable of" are too vague.
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