Translation for "sandwicherie" to english
Translation examples
du Sud et des îles Sandwich du Sud
Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Programme de logement pour la "catégorie sandwich"
Sandwich Class Housing Scheme
Des sandwichs seront servis aux participants.
A sandwich buffet will be provided for participants.
Géorgie du Sud et Iles Sandwich du Sud
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
B. La génération sandwich
The sandwich generation
Les sandwichs à emporter à l'école
Taking packed sandwiches to school
Des boissons chaudes et des sandwiches seront en vente.
Hot beverages and sandwiches will be on sale.
Ruben est un sandwich, un sandwich professionnel.
Ruben is a sandwich, a professional sandwich.
Sandwich au jambon, frites, salade, 2 sandwichs chauds !
Ham sandwich, fried, salad, 2 sandwiches hot!
- C'est quoi ? "Sandwich" est un véritable sandwich.
"Sandwich" is an actual sandwich.
Sandwich frites, sandwich cornichons, sandwich à la salade, sandwich au sandwich...
Chip sandwich, pickle sandwich, lettuce sandwich, sandwich sandwich...
Sandwiches pain bis ou sandwiches verts.
Brown sandwiches and green sandwiches.
Le comte de Sandwich a inventé le sandwich,
The Earl of Sandwich invented sandwiches,
Le sandwich, mon chou. Le sandwich.
Sandwich, I mean, sandwich.
D'autres sandwiches?
Some more sandwiches?
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