Translation for "reconnaissant que" to english
Reconnaissant que
Translation examples
Je reconnais que cette requête pourrait te mettre mal à l'aise.
I recognize that this request may make you uncomfortable.
Je reconnais que c'était un accident.
Recognize that this was an accident.
Ecoutes, je reconnais que ca peut paraitre un peu dingue.
Listen, I recognize that this all seems a little crazy.
Je reconnais que vous avez vécu une expérience extrême.
I recognize that you had a profound experience.
Vas-y mollo et reconnais que ton mec est revenu.
You need to pump your brakes and recognize that your man is home.
Moi, Ron Swanson, je reconnais que...
I, Ron Swanson, recognize that
Je reconnais que tu es ambitieux, mais tu es jeune.
I recognize that you're ambitious, but you are young.
Je reconnais que la confidence n'est pas mon point fort.
I recognize that confidence is not my short suit.
Reconnaissant que WikiLeaks pourrait profiter d'une visibilité accrue,
Recognizing that WikiLeaks could benefit from a louder megaphone,
Reconnais que cette fois-ci tu es allée un peu loin!
Recognize that this time you have gone a little far!
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