Translation for "quadrangle" to english
Translation examples
Presque la moitié des quadrangles de la carte géologique au 1:1 500 000 ont été terminés afin de compléter le programme de la NASA sur la cartographie géologique de Vénus.
Nearly half of the 1:1,500,000-scale geologic base map quadrangles have been completed to support NASA's Venus Geologic Mapping Program.
On assiste à une multiplication des "triangles de croissance", "couloirs de croissance" et "quadrangles de croissance" en Asie de l’Est et du Sud—Est, en particulier.
As a matter of fact, there has been a mushrooming of domestic and external "growth triangles", "growth corridors", and "growth quadrangles" inside and among economies in East and South-East Asia especially.
Magnetic survey of Jurassic Basalt flows in the Northwest portion of the Remington 7 1/2 minute Quadrangle in Fauquier Culpeper counties Virginia.
Magnetic survey of Jurassic basalt flows in the north-west portion of the Remington 7 1/2 minute Quadrangle in Fauquier/Culpepper counties, Virginia.
Magnetic survey of Jurassic Basalt flows in the Northwest portion of the Remington 7(1/2) minute Quadrangle in Fauquier Culpeper counties Virginia, Geologos VI no 1, publié par le Département de géologie et de géographie, Howard University, Washington, p. 37 à 64
Magnetic survey of Jurassic Basalt flows in the Northwest portion of the Remington 7 (1/2) minute Quadrangle in Fauquier Culpeper counties Virginia,. USA. GEOLOGOS VI No 1, Published by the Department of geology and Geography, Howard University Washington D.C. p 37-64.
Un quadrangle amoureux ne te surprendrait pas.
A love quadrangle wouldn't surprise you.
J'ai aimé ta couverture sur les nouveaux fonds pour la maintenance du Divinity Quadrangle
I liked your coverage on the new funds approved for upkeep on the divinity quadrangle.
Et j'étais partagée entre l'amener au Hewitt Memorial Quadrangle ou au centre des sciences et au gymnase
Then I was torn between taking her to the Hewitt Memorial Quadrangle or the Science Center and gymnasium.
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