Translation for "puni lui" to english
Translation examples
la façon dont vous l'avez puni, lui, et elle!
How you punished him for it and her.
Je ne sais pas qui Dunnan essaie de punir : lui ou moi.
I don't know if Dunnan is doing this to punish him or me.
Tu dois le punir, lui et sa catin.
You must punish him and his whore.
Pourquoi le punir lui, alors ?
Épices, pourquoi le punir lui alors que j'ai brisé les règles ?
Spices, why punish him when I broke the rules?
Ils puni lui le silence doorte.
They punished him doorte silence.
Punir Frederica pour avoir approché Reginald, le punir, lui, pour l'avoir reçue si favorablement, et me consoler des humiliations que j'ai dû supporter.
I must punish Frederica for her application to Reginald and punish him for receiving it so favorably. And I must make myself serious amends for the humiliations I've been obliged to undergo.
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