Translation for "pointu et" to english
Pointu et
  • sharp and
Translation examples
sharp and si l'écran se brise, il ne produit aucun éclat pointu. no sharp splinters are produced if the visor is shattered.
Ces organes ne doivent présenter ni angles vifs, ni parties tranchantes ou pointues.
However, these units shall be so made as to have no sharp angles or pointed or cutting parts.
Il aurait eu aussi les organes génitaux percés avec un objet pointu.
He was also reported to have had his genitals pierced with a sharp object.
Au cours de son interrogatoire, il aurait été obligé de s'allonger sur une planche recouverte de clous pointus.
During his interrogation, he was allegedly forced to lie on a plank covered with sharp nails.
Certains emballages et GRV sont sensibles à la perforation, par des objets pointus par ex. ou lors de chargements et déchargements intermédiaires.
Some packagings and IBCs, for example, were easily perforated by sharp objects or during intermediate loading or unloading.
ii) Introduction d'objets pointus dans les orifices corporels;
Pushing the sharp objects into the body openings;
On lui aurait aussi enfoncé sous les ongles un objet pointu jusqu'à ce qu'il perde connaissance.
They were also said to have pierced his nails with a sharp object until he lost consciousness.
Il a des fractures aux bras et aux jambes et son corps est constellé de trous laissés par un objet pointu.
His arms and legs were broken and his body had been punctured in numerous places by a sharp object.
L'attaquant aurait scandé des slogans nationalistes tout en battant M. Al-Hassani avec un outil pointu en métal.
It is reported that the attacker chanted national slogans while beating Mr. Al-Hassani with a sharp iron tool.
Est considéré comme pointu tout éclat présentant un angle inférieur à 60°.
Any segment having an angle less than 60° shall be considered as a sharp splinter.
Quand tu seras libre, tu devras trouver quelque chose de très pointu... et me le planter dans la tête.
Now when-- when you get free, you are going to find something very sharp... and you are going to stab me in the head.
Les Roches ici sont trés pointues et craclés donc c'est bon.
-That's fine. The rocks here are very sharp and very brittle, so it's actually good that we're on an overhang and that we're not going to
Il trouvera ça si pointu et si clair.
He'll find it looks so sharp and clear.
Ce que je veux dire... que comme Lyle, ma place n'est pas avec vous... parce que mes dents sont trop pointues et... ma queue est trop longue.
What I'm trying to say is, I'm sort of like Lyle. You know, I don't belong with you and your dad, 'cause, you know, my teeth are too sharp and my tail is too long.
Que quelqu'un aille chercher quelque chose de pointu et en bois.
Someone get something sharp and wooden.
Ce type était rigoureux, pointu, et aussi précis qu'un tir de fusée, à mon plus grand plaisir.
The guy was thorough, sharp, and as detailed as a rocket launch. - And I was glad he was. - Stand up.
C'est pointu et piquant.
And it's sharp and spiky.
Tu as vu quelque chose de pointu et métallique.
You saw something sharp and metallic.
Il avait beau avoir des crocs pointus et le ventre plein, il avait le coeur vide.
But although his teeth were sharp and his belly full, his heart was empty.
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