Translation for "phtisiques" to english
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Tu allais m'épouser avec la phtisie sans rien me dire ?
You were gonna marry me with consumption? Why didn't you tell me?
Je souffre de phtisie et je serai morte avant la fin de l'année.
I have consumption and will be dead before the year is out.
Le monde de l'Histoire 1348... la peste noire, le typhus, le choléra, la phtisie, la peste bubonique...
1348... the black death, typhus, cholera, consumption, bubonic plague...
C'est comme l'accuser d'être phtisique.
Attack her for having consumption.
C'était l'hiver à Prague. La phtisie faisait rage...
- It was winter in Prague, and the consumption hung low in the air.
Cette jeune femme est morte de phtisie la semaine dernière.
This unfortunate young woman died of consumption just over a week ago.
Il a tous les symptômes de la phtisie.
Every token of rapid consumption is present.
Les phtisiques complotent contre moi.
You see ? The consumptives plot against me.
Phtisie, typhoïde, pneumonie, au choix.
Consumption. Typhoid. Pneumonia.
Sa maîtresse est morte cette nuit. Une phtisie galopante.
His mistress died last night from galloping consumption.
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