Translation for "oppresseur" to english
Translation examples
Elle est le mécanisme qui protège l'opprimé de l'oppresseur.
The United Nations is the mechanism that protects the defenceless from the oppressor.
Les bébés des femmes enceintes qui ont accouché ont été pris par leurs oppresseurs.
When pregnant women gave birth, their babies were given away to their oppressors.
C'est dans les parlements du monde entier que l'impunité des puissants oppresseurs peut être brisée.
It was in parliaments worldwide that the impunity of the powerful oppressors could be broken.
Il n'y a point d'interlocuteurs pour les oppresseurs indiens parmi les représentants authentiques du peuple cachemirien.
There are no interlocutors for the Indian oppressors among the true representatives of the Kashmiri people;
22. À quelques exceptions près, les FADH sont considérées par les Haïtiens comme leurs anciens oppresseurs.
22. With few exceptions, FADH is regarded by the Haitian people as their former oppressors.
On ne saurait donc comparer l'oppresseur et l'opprimé.
One therefore cannot draw parallels between the oppressor and the oppressed.
«La liberté n'est jamais accordée volontairement par l'oppresseur.
Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor.
Pour empêcher que les enfants d'aujourd'hui ne deviennent les oppresseurs de demain, l'éducation est essentielle.
Education was essential if the children of the present were not to become the oppressors of the future.
La question qui se pose à nous est claire : sommes-nous aux côtés du peuple syrien ou de ses oppresseurs?
And the question for us is clear: Will we stand with the Syrian people or with their oppressors?
Ils ne peuvent, en aucun cas, remédier à l'impunité des oppresseurs.
These programmes can in no way be offered as palliatives for the impunity of the oppressors.
plutôt un oppresseur.
One of the oppressors, definitely.
- Les Rosbifs, l'oppresseur.
- Redcoats... the oppressors.
Contre les oppresseurs impérialistes.
Yeah. Against imperialist oppressors.
Il dit qu'un oppresseur est un oppresseur.
And Vantes say, "Oppressors are oppressors.
Les oppresseurs juifs.
The Jew oppressors.
A bas les oppresseurs!
Down with the oppressors!
"Attention aux oppresseurs" ?
"Beware the oppressors"?
Nous sommes ses oppresseurs.
We are their oppressors.
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