Translation for "nectar" to english
Translation examples
Le CNTA a aussi supervisé et suivi i) la production du nectar et concentrés de maracuja et ii) la production de la farine composée de sevrage pour le compte du centre de médecine communautaire de Buyenzi.
CNTA has also supervised and monitored the production of (i) passion fruit nectar and concentrates and (ii) composite flours for weaning children for the community medical centre of Buyenzi.
:: Formation de 75 groupements féminins sur la technologie de transformation et de conservation des fruits : (jus, séchage, sirop, nectar, saumure, confiture);
· 75 women's groups have received training in fruit processing and conservation (juicing, drying, syrup, nectar, pickling, preserves).
Mmm, doux nectar.
Mmm, sweet nectar.
Le nectar des dieux.
God's nectar.
C'est un nectar.
It is nectar.
Oh, c'est du nectar.
That's nectar.
C'est quoi le nectar ?
What's nectar?
Mer du Nectar.
Sea of Nectar.
enivré du nectar...
drunk on nectar...
Regenex, recellule, nectar.
Regenx, receli, nectar.
Sûrement ce nectar.
Probably that nectar.
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