Translation for "millier" to english
Translation examples
C'était la guerre, il y a eu des milliers et des milliers de morts, des disparus.
That was war. It was war, with thousands and thousands dead and disappeared.
Des milliers et milliers de dollars.
Thousands and thousands of dollars.
Des milliers, des milliers, des milliers, des milliers de fois !
And thousand, and thousand, And thousand, and thousand times !
des milliers, des dizaines de milliers.
Thousands, tens of thousands.
Un-un millier, deux-un millier trois-un millier.
One-one thousand, two-one thousand, three-one thousand.
Des milliers... pas des milliers.
Well now thousands... well, not thousands.
Par milliers aveuglés, par milliers assommés
Thousands are blinded, thousands knocked out.
Des milliers et des milliers, et des milliers d'années.
Thousands and thousands and thousands of years.
Des milliers et des milliers de rochers.
Thousands and thousand of rocks.
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