Translation for "le contredire" to english
Le contredire
Translation examples
Même Sandow n'a pas osé le contredire.
Even Sandow didn't contradict him.
- D'accord. Et si l'avocat adverse veut appeler un témoin pour le contredire.
But now the opposing attorney intends to put another witness on the stand to contradict him.
On comprend pourquoi il ne voulait pas le contredire.
No wonder he didn't want to contradict him. What are those?
Il était si contrarié qu'au début, je n'ai pas voulu le contredire.
Never And yet he seemed so upset that at first I didn't want to contradict him
J'arrête pas de l'envoyer promener, de lui faire la leçon, de le contredire.
I keep sending him packing, lecturing and contradicting him.
Mon père le respectait beaucoup pour son expérience, il n'a pas voulu le contredire.
My father had known him for a long time and respected him. He was an old man so he didn't want to contradict him.
On ne doit pas le contredire.
One mustn't contradict him, of course.
Mais il ne faut ni le contredire ni discuter avec lui.
But you shouldn't contradict him or argue with him.
Il faut pas le contredire.
Don't contradict him.
Sans Steiner pour le contredire, il aura sa Croix de Fer et se pavanera dans tout Paris.
Without Steiner to contradict him, he'll get his Iron Cross and strut all around Paris.
contradict the
La réglementation peut contredire le droit et la politique de la concurrence.
Regulation can contradict competition law and policy.
De fait, une partie de la directive semble contredire l'autre.
81. Indeed, one half of the guidelines seemed to contradict the other.
M. Reqeijo Gual (Cuba) dit que le rapport paraît se contredire lui-même.
27. Mr. Requeijo Gual (Cuba) said that the report seemed to contradict itself.
La réglementation peut contredire la politique de concurrence.
Regulation can contradict competition policy.
En principe, cette disposition semble contredire l'article 18.
In principle, that appeared to contradict article 18.
Les faits historiques viennent contredire les prétentions du Gouvernement iranien.
Historical facts contradict the Iranian Government's claims.
L'idée de diversification semble contredire ce principe de base.
Thus, diversification may appear to be an idea that contradicts this basic principle.
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