Translation for "la violence et la violence" to english
La violence et la violence
Translation examples
Violence familiale et violences faites aux femmes
Family violence and violence against women
Répondre à la violence par la violence n'est pas la solution.
The approach of responding to violence with violence was futile, for it offered no solutions.
La violence engendre la violence.
Violence breeds violence.
La violence appelle la violence.
Violence engenders violence.
Cinq types de violences ont été déterminés : la violence physique, la violence verbale, la violence psychologique, la violence sexuelle faite aux enfants, la violence liée aux pires formes de travail des enfants.
Five kinds of violence were identified: physical violence; verbal violence; psychological violence; sexual violence against children; and violence related to the worst forms of child labour.
Mais combattre la violence par la violence n'est pas suffisant.
But fighting violence with violence is not enough.
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