Translation for "l'occupa" to english
Translation examples
Par crainte, les conservateurs demandèrent la protection de l'armée impériale qui, sous le commandement de Vicente Filísola, occupa la capitale et livra une guerre aussi longue que cruelle contre les libéraux dissidents.
The conservatives in fear appealed for the protection of the imperial army, which, under the command of Vicente Filísola, did in fact occupy the capital and undertook a war, which was protracted but not very bloody, against the dissident provinces.
30. La revendication de l'Espagne — que le peuple et les forces politiques espagnols appuient sans réserve, indifféremment de leurs différences idéologiques — porte sur le rocher de Gibraltar d'une part et sur le détroit de Gibraltar d'autre part, dont le Royaume-Uni occupa progressivement et illégalement plus de la moitié tout au long du XIXe siècle.
30. Spain's claim, which was supported wholeheartedly by the Spanish people and by all Spanish political forces across the ideological spectrum, concerned both the Rock of Gibraltar and the Strait of Gibraltar, more than half of which had been gradually and illegally occupied by the United Kingdom throughout the nineteenth century.
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