Translation for "il avait reçu" to english
Translation examples
Il avait reçu des ordres spécifiques, et, en homme minutieux, il projetait d'exécuter ces ordres à la lettre.
He had received specific orders, and, being a fastidious man, he intended carrying out those orders to the letter.
Il avait reçu du RL et des CG.
He had received L.R. and packed cells.
-M. de Brisson a demandé à M. de Pontcallec s'il avait reçu..
So Brisson asked Pontcallec if he had received money from Spain.
S'il avait reçu cet ordre, le roi aurait eu son bateau.
If he had received the order, the king would have had his ship.
Comme le procès approchait, j'ai demandé à mon enquêteur de regrouper tous les e-mails qu'il avait reçu, "et voila".
As the trial approached, I asked the investigator to put together all of the e-mails he had received, and voila.
- Morbleu, qu'il avait reçu 1 000 ducats de don Juan pour accuser injustement madame Héro.
- Marry. That he had received 1,000 ducats of Don John for accusing the Lady Hero wrongfully.
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