Translation for "gauloises" to english
Translation examples
C'est la crème des nations gauloises.
This is the creme of the Gallic nations.
Depuis des temps immémoriaux, Monsieur Anatole, il est tombé à les races gauloises pour apporter la civilisation aux provinces septentrionales grossiers de leur empire.
Since time immemorial, Monsieur Anatole, it has fallen to the Gallic races to bring civilisation to the rude northerly provinces of their empire.
-Les haches gauloises...
-The Gallic axes will be steeped...
- Huit ans... de putains gauloises coriaces.
- Eight years... of leathery Gallic trollops.
S'agirait-il d'une vantardise bien gauloise ?
Are you quite sure this is not just Gallic braggadocio?
Restent Mankin, Creswell et Jubert, à la consonance gauloise.
That leaves Mankin, Creswell, and Jubert. That has a fine Gallic ring to it.
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