Translation for "djellaba" to english
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Le plus âgé portait un uniforme et les trois autres, plus jeunes, des djellabas.
The older man was wearing khaki and three younger men were wearing djellabas.
Au Maroc, les femmes se classent en trois catégories : celles qui portent la djellaba, ou robe traditionnelle, de différentes couleurs, avec ou sans foulard; celles qui s'habillent à l'occidentale; et enfin celles qui, en djellaba ou en pantalon, se couvrent totalement les cheveux tout en laissant à découvert leur visage.
In Morocco, women are divided into three categories: those who wear the djellaba, or traditional robe, of various colours and with or without a scarf; those who wear western dress; and those who, whether wearing the djellaba or trousers, entirely cover their hair but leave their face uncovered.
Les Érythréens, qui se faisaient passer pour des Soudanais, avaient dissimulé leurs Kalachnikov sous leurs djellabas soudanaises.
It was determined that the Eritreans were disguised as Sudanese and wearing the Sudanese djellaba to conceal their Kalashnikov assault rifles.
La population locale a été contrainte de se convertir à l'islam, et les enfants ont été vêtus de djellabas blanches et reçu des noms arabes.
The local population was forced to convert to Islam, children were dressed in white djellaba and given Arabic names.
Une choucroute dans une grande Djellaba.
It's Kraut in a big Djellaba.
Ils portaient des djellabas et avaient des barbes.
They were djellabas and had beards.
Une djellaba pour trois personnes?
One djellaba for three people?
Il s'agit sans doute d'une seule et même djellaba.
No doubt, it's the same djellaba.
Les ânes partout, les djellabas, l'écriture illisible...
Donkeys everywhere, djellabas*, illegible writing. (kaftan)
Et, tenez-vous bien, le vendeur est un occidental et il portait une djellaba déchirée.
And, hold on, the seller is a westerner wearing a torn djellaba. (kaftan)
Si vous êtes au Moyen-Orient, ça veut dire une barbe et une djellaba.
If you're hunting for intel in the Middle East, that means a beard and a djellaba.
La population locale a été contrainte de se convertir à l'islam, et les enfants ont été vêtus de djellabas blanches et ont reçu des noms arabes.
The local population was forced to convert to Islam, children were dressed in white jellaba and given Arabic names.
Vous louperez pas mon père. C'est le seul en djellaba et Air Max.
My father will pick you up in his jellaba and Air Max.
C'est pour ça, que tu t'habilles en djellaba ?
Is this why you still wear a "jellaba"?
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