Translation for "de sa propre vie" to english
De sa propre vie
Translation examples
of his own life
Le maître du crime, l'homme que Holmes ne pouvait vaincre qu'au prix de sa propre vie à Reichenbach Falls.
The master criminal, the man Holmes could only defeat at the cost of his own life at Reichenbach Falls.
On se souviendra de lui comme d'un héro, un héro qui a sauvé les tours agricoles d'une inondation accidentelle au prix de sa propre vie.
He's gonna be remembered as a hero, a hero who saved the agri-towers from an accidental flood at the cost of his own life.
Nous entourons Gideon du tissu de sa propre vie... visiteurs, musique favorite, souvenirs... en essayant de le relier au monde.
We've been surrounding Gideon with the fabric of his own life... visitors, favorite music, keepsakes... trying to reconnect him to the world.
Keith Richie s'est rendu compte avec la perte de sa propre vie que l'homme est la plus grande créature dans l'univers.
Keith Richie came to realize with the loss of his own life that man is the greatest creature in the universe.
Terrence ne le suit pas toute la journée dans le magasin, en lui disant quelle couleur il faut porter cette saison, ou en montrant à tous les autres employés que il n'est pas, en fait, le patron de sa propre vie.
Terrence doesn't follow him around the shop all day, telling him just exactly what color is in this season, or showing all of the other employees that he is not, in fact, the boss of his own life.
Ici Alex Law, dans le journal vidéo de sa propre vie.
This is Alex Law reporting on the video diary of his own life.
Tous les psys vous diront qu'un patient est l'auteur de sa propre vie.
Look, any shrink will tell you That a patient is the author of his own life. Of course.
Le changement dont on a besoin, c'est celui qui nous fera prendre conscience que si l'on continue sur cette voie, l'humanité détruira les conditions de sa propre vie sur Terre.
The change is needed, it is one that will make us aware that if we continue on this path, humanity will destroy the conditions of his own life on Earth.
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