Translation for "cytoplasme" to english
Translation examples
Les formes cytoplasmiques peuvent varier distinctement d'une maladie à une autre.
Cytoplasmic patterns can vary quite distinctly from one disease to the next.
{\pos(192,220)}Les cultures de cytoplasmes, parfois. Jamais celles d'ovoplasmes.
Cytoplasm cultures sometimes, but never ooplasm.
Le séparateur cytoplasmique.
The cytoplasmic separator...
On ne dit plus protoplasme, mais cytoplasme.
They don't even call it protoplasm anymore. It's cytoplasm.
Et comme les organismes terrestres, voici ce qui semble être un noyau. cytoplasme...
And like organisms on Earth, it has what appears to be a nucleus, cytoplasm...
Donnez-moi un stimulateur cytoplasmique.
Get me a cytoplasmic stimulator.
LE signal crée des ribosomes alien dans son cytoplasme.
- All right. The signal creates alien ribosomes in her cytoplasm.
On devait faire un cytoplasme aujourd'hui.
We were supposed to my cytoplasm out of Jell-O today.
L'appareil de golgi, Ie cytoplasme, Ia double helice.
I mean, the Golgi complex, cytoplasm, the double helix.
Tu m'as sauvé le cytoplasme.
You saved my cytoplasm in there.
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