Translation for "cortisonique" to english
Translation examples
La cortisone aurait agi...
Autoimmune diseases respond to steroids, which we've given her.
La cortisone aurait dû faire grimper la glycémie.
You'd given him steroids.
La cortisone réduira l'inflammation.
Whatever it is, we should start him on steroids, keep the swelling down.
Antibios et cortisone sans effet.
The patient didn't respond to antibiotics or steroids.
La cortisone est indiquée.
The treatment's usually steroids.
Il faut de la cortisone.
He needs steroids.
- Réveillée sous cortisone.
The steroids must have forced it into the open. What kind of infection?
Crème à la cortisone en premier.
Steroid cream first.
Le glucocorticoïde qui a tué vos insectes, Hodges, cela pourrait-il être de la simple cortisone pour traiter une blessure ?
Repetitive manual blows, fractured knuckles... the glucocorticoid that killed your bugs, Hodgins...
Ils allèguent que ses crises d'asthme ont été traitées expérimentalement à la cortisone et à l'aide d'autres produits.
They submit that asthma attacks were treated experimentally with cortisone and other drugs.
C'est la cortisone.
It's called cortisone.
-Avec la cortisone, plus rien.
Thanks to cortisone, nothing.
-Et si j'augmente la cortisone ?
How about more cortisone?
C'est de la cortisone.
That's cortisone.
- Toujours sous cortisone ?
- Is he still on cortisone?
Mais c'était pas de la cortisone.
But it wasn't cortisone.
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