Translation for "chiromancie" to english
Translation examples
Je vais la lire doucement et distinctement, car je veux que toute la Cour sache que vous êtes un expert hors pair en chiromancie, tables tournantes, et pour prédire l'avenir dans les feuilles de thé.
I'll read this slowly and distinctly... because I want the court to know that you are second to none, that you are an expert in palmistry, table-tipping and the reading of tea leaves. I object!
La chiromancie? Vous me surprenez.
Palmistry, I'm surprised at you.
Destinée, Divination, Chiromancie, Physiognomonie,
Fortune, physiognomy, palmistry
Tu es experte en chiromancie ?
I mean, what do you know about palmistry?
Vous savez ce que la chiromancie?
You know palmistry?
- "Le Grand Livre de la Chiromancie"?
- "The Great Book of Chiromancy"?
Ty connais-tu en chiromancie?
Are you familiar with chiromancy?
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