Translation for "ce soutient" to english
Translation examples
Sa délégation soutient donc la proposition.
It therefore supported the proposal.
La communauté internationale nous soutient.
The international community supports us.
L'UE soutient ce projet.
The EU supports the plans for the meeting.
6. Le Gouvernement soutient l'IED.
The Government is supportive of FDI.
Il soutient notre cause.
He supports our cause.
L'Ouganda ne soutient pas l'impunité.
Uganda does not support impunity.
C'est pourquoi il soutient ces actions.
That is why we support its actions.
Elle soutient pleinement cette initiative.
It fully supports that Initiative.
Le Secrétariat soutient ces recommandations.
41. The Secretariat supports these recommendations.
Il soutient la recherche et la zootechnie.
Support research and breed development.
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