Translation for "cas observé" to english
Cas observé
Translation examples
On a par conséquent souligné qu'il fallait mettre en place un mécanisme permettant aux parties prenantes autres que les pêcheurs de signaler les cas observés.
Therefore, it was emphasized that a mechanism for reporting of observed cases by stakeholders other than fishermen should be developed.
On a relevé que non seulement les organisations régionales mais aussi les industries devraient jouer un rôle important en matière de sensibilisation, d'une part, en offrant des solutions techniques plus judicieuses, en évaluant l'impact et en étudiant les effets potentiels et en divulguant les informations concernant des cas observés de déchets provenant de munitions chimiques immergées en mer et, d'autre part, lors de travaux de construction, en surveillant l'impact potentiel sur le milieu marin des activités de nettoyage de ces déchets.
4. It was also noted that not only regional organizations but also industries as such should become important actors in awareness-raising, both by offering more sound technical solutions for the problem, assessing impact and surveying potential effects, disclosing information on observed cases of waste originating from seadumped chemical munitions and also during the construction work by monitoring the potential impact on the marine environment in relation to performed clearing activities of waste originating from sea-dumped chemical munitions.
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