Translation for "cabrer" to english
Translation examples
Fais-le cabrer ou...
Let him rear up or...
Gaffe à celui-là, il se cabre.
Watch this one, he rears.
Bon, je cabre.
All right, let's do some rearing.
Le cheval a pu se cabrer.
Horse could have reared up.
il se cabre sur ses petites pattes arrières et se pavane.
he sort of rears up on his little hind legs and prances about.
Pilgrim s'est cabré.
And Pilgrim reared up at the truck.
Je me cabre etje cours
It's in my blood to rear up and gallop
Soudain, le cheval s'est cabré, a rué, et le petit est tombé.
Suddenly the animal plunged and reared, and the poor lad was thrown.
Vous saviez que ce cheval allait se cabrer.
You knew that horse was gonna rear, didn't you?
Quand Pilgrim s'est cabré face au camion...
You know when Pilgrim reared up against that truck? You know what I think?
C'est important pour cabrer un avion.
This is important because an airplane wants to be nose-up.
Je cabre. Missiles !
Nose coming up.
Pour un atterrissage court, il faut se cabrer, et on ne voit plus où on va.
All right, to land short, you've got to pitch up like this and you lose sight of where you're going. cabre.
And pitching up.
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