Translation for "berezovsky" to english
  • berezovsky's
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Reprenant ce processus en deux étapes dans l'affaire Berezovsky, la Cour d'appel a estimé que le sursis à statuer serait accordé si le demandeur parvenait à prouver, sur la base de l'hypothèse la plus vraisemblable, que la convention d'arbitrage existe et qu'elle semble couvrir les questions litigieuses.
In reviewing this two-step process in Berezovsky, the Court of Appeal held that a stay would be granted when the applicant had proven, on the balance of probabilities, that the arbitration agreement existed and apparently covered the matters in dispute.
Le Secrétaire exécutif de la CEI, M. Berezovsky, participe lui aussi à ces négociations.
The Executive Secretary of the CIS, Mr. Berezovsky, is also involved in these negotiations.
Boris Berezovsky comptait parmi mes premiers atouts.
Boris Berezovsky was notable for me, along with other senior people.
Tiens, vingt de la part de Berezovsky.
This is twenty from Berezovsky,
Berezovsky n'a jamais rien fait gratuitement.
[speaking Russian] Berezovsky never did anything for free.
Alors vous allez devoir parler comme Berezovsky.
So you're going to have to talk like Berezovsky.
Ok, maintenant localise Berezovsky.
Copy, now locate Berezovsky.
Les frères Berezovsky ont intercepté un bateau de Milan.
The Berezovsky brothers jacked a shipment from Milan off pier 87.
Les négociations secrètes entre Raduyev and Berezovsky.
Secret negotiations of Raduyev and Berezovsky.
Berezovsky n'avait pas besoin de me dire :
Berezovsky and I knew each other well enough for him not to say,
Boris Berezovsky est devenu l'un des négociateurs principaux.
Boris Berezovsky became one of the main negotiators.
Il nous a dit : "Je travaille pour Berezovsky."
[Carr] And he actually said to us, "I work for Berezovsky."
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