Translation for "attrapez-la" to english
Translation examples
Il y a lieu de noter l'exemple d'une campagne lancée aux PaysBas sur le thème <<Vous n'attrapez pas le sida en offrant une épaule secourable>>, qui a permis de modifier le comportement du grand public envers les personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida.
The example of a campaign launched in the Netherlands, the motto of which was "You won't catch AIDS by giving a shoulder to lean on" and which has been quite effective in changing the attitudes of the general public towards people living with HIV/AIDS, is worth noting.
Attrapez-la, capitaine !
Catch it, sir!
La fièvre de la Renaissance, attrapez-la !
Renaissance fever-- catch it!
Attrapez-la à deux mains
Catch it at two hands
Attrapez-la ! Mon sac.
Catch it! My bag.
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